Less than a month left…

The deadline for submissions to the first issue of Wicked Words Quarterly closes on April 1st 2014, so if you haven’t yet submitted anything for me to consider get it in soon 🙂

I’ve been really pleased with both the quality and quantity of submissions, 140 submissions of great writing across all the genres that were asked for. This makes it really difficult to choose which seven or so stories to include out of that great selection.

I do try to make the rejections personal but with so many submissions that can be hard at times, so please don’t be disappointed with what has been written as I have enjoyed reading all the stories.

Hopefully I will be able to sort out more emails this week, and if you have received a rejection and have other work to submit please do.

Again thanks for the enthusiasm and quality of the writing that you’ve all submitted, looking forward to publishing in June and seeing what people think of my selections.