Sunday Summary, 2nd February

Most of the week has been taken up with sorting out my tax return at about as last a moment as I have had to do so. It was pleasing this year as I have finally made a profit after three years of putting myself out there.

I have made loads of notes and ideas on how to be more organised next year, which I know I will reiterate come January 30th 2015.

A lot of the rest of the week I’ve been reading and writing for my assignment with the Open University, so though I haven’t written much for my own goals I have still been doing a lot of writing.

Today whilst writing the assignment itself I discovered that writing poetry when I was having a break really helped focus when I came back to writing my assignment, started at 0 words today and finished with 1500 crafted words out of 3000.

Writing done:
Three poems, one was a Haiku one was a Landays and the last was a reflection on heartbreak.

Books read:
Glass Gods by Kate Griffin

Writing Flash Fiction by Khalid Al Hariri

Books started:
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

Prompts responded to:
I used a photograph to respond to a Daily Prompt, the theme was Age.

Daily Prompt: Age

Daily Prompt: Age

This photograph was taken in Durham, UK. As I was walking up to get a piece of pizza, the man who worked there got very excited and was exclaiming “I’m going to be famous!” so I obliged and took a few photographs. A couple of weeks later I took a few prints for him, which really tickled him.

Pizza Man

Pizza Man


Weekly Photo Challenge: Family



The Luckiest People

Daily Prompt: The Luckiest People

Who was the first person you encountered today? Write about him or her.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us PEOPLE.

Photographer’s hat on today whilst I set-out my thoughts about writing vs. blogging



One plus One

Daily Prompt: Singular Sensation

If you could have a guarantee that one, specific person was reading your blog, who would you want that person to be? Why? What do you want to say to them?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us ONE.

It’s been a long day so I though I would wear my photographers hat today – this is from the Sage in Gateshead

One plus One

One plus One

Being there

As I was commenting on another post for yesterday’s Zero to Hero task, it developed into a bit of a conversation.

The post I initially commented on was Weekly Photo Challenge: One on Preeti’s blog LenzExperiments.

It was an example of a reflection of a duck on water, the reflection was well captured, with a lovely stillness to the water and the exposure was perfect and any post-processing was light and unobtrusive.

My initial comment was along the lines of ‘love the clarity of the reflection, well captured’, and as all photographers (myself included) are wont to do Preeti’s reply was quite self-depricating and modest and went on to describe the external circumstance that lead to her ‘lucky’ shot.

Like a lot of photographers, especially non-professional photographers, I also had a habit of talking myself down, but the more people said that I had a great camera and that I was lucky in getting that shot, the more I actually thought about the creative process. Like all skills creative skills are learned, the more you practice a skill the better that skill gets, until it is an unconscious activity and you forget that you are using a learned skill.

I had to reply to Preeti with something far more positive than her accepting her luck and said ‘But some of the biggest things is actually being there, having a camera with you and then having the skill to take advantage of the circumstances that present themselves – again well done’

As Thomas Jefferson said, ‘I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it’.

Weekly Photo Challenge – Window

Weekly Photo Challenge: Window



This was taken at Hepworth, Wakefield on it’s inaugural day, I loved the juxtaposition of the older man and two young children fascinated by the outside when all the art was inside.