Sunday Summary, 2nd February

Most of the week has been taken up with sorting out my tax return at about as last a moment as I have had to do so. It was pleasing this year as I have finally made a profit after three years of putting myself out there.

I have made loads of notes and ideas on how to be more organised next year, which I know I will reiterate come January 30th 2015.

A lot of the rest of the week I’ve been reading and writing for my assignment with the Open University, so though I haven’t written much for my own goals I have still been doing a lot of writing.

Today whilst writing the assignment itself I discovered that writing poetry when I was having a break really helped focus when I came back to writing my assignment, started at 0 words today and finished with 1500 crafted words out of 3000.

Writing done:
Three poems, one was a Haiku one was a Landays and the last was a reflection on heartbreak.

Books read:
Glass Gods by Kate Griffin

Writing Flash Fiction by Khalid Al Hariri

Books started:
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

Prompts responded to:
I used a photograph to respond to a Daily Prompt, the theme was Age.

Real World Intrudes

I’ve been quiet for a week now, no posts, no thoughts, no words.

Two main reasons…

  1. It’s that time of the year again and I had really let my accounts go to pot, didn’t have anything in order or in the correct location. It’s taken me the best part of the week to collect everything in together and file my tax returns before I had to start paying fines, but it is done now and out the way. Rejoice!
  2. The second T.M.A. for my Open University course, AA315, is due on Thursday coming. So whilst panicking about my tax return I was also catching up with reading and making notes for the assignment. This gave me an excuse to fire up Scrivener and use it as a note taking machine, holding my references and any images I was going to refer to. I have also set it up to write the assignments. Now just to finish them.

I’ve also decided that the main thing I’m going to take from the Zero to Hero challenge is that I should schedule at least one post a week. This post will be a Sunday Roundup, a look at the week past, what I’ve been reading, writing and doing.

So more writing and a better round up on Sunday.